Liberation 80: official plans launched

January 25, 2025

On 9 May 2025, it will be 80 years since Jersey was liberated from German occupation.  The Channel Islands were the only part of the British Isles to be occupied during the war, and their conquest was viewed by the occupying forces as a stepping-stone to the full invasion of Britain.  This year’s anniversary – Liberation 80 – is especially important as it provides an opportunity to share the stories of those who lived through The Occupation. 

It is hoped Liberation 80 will provide islanders with the chance to participate in a varied programme of events and projects that span art, culture, sport and education.


The official Liberation 80 logo is based on one which was first created in 2020 and is inspired by the first-hand account of Islander, Enid de Gruchy, who was born on 28 February 1941 and sadly passed away last year. It was felt to be fitting to keep the legacy of her story alive in this year’s logo.  Enid was four when Jersey was liberated, she recalled going into St. Helier on Liberation Day with her family and a soldier giving her, her first ever sweet.  A few weeks later when food packages were imported into the Island, she was given an orange.  She remembered this clearly because it was the first orange she had ever seen, and she didn’t know what to do with it.  The colour palette used for this iteration of the logo reflects ‘oak’ which is the material used to represent the 80th anniversary.


In addition to the traditional Liberation Day service of thanksgiving and reenactment, a programme of celebratory events and outreach projects has been produced. The following is a snapshot of the highlights:


·       Liberation Music Festival – To continue the festivities of the Liberation weekend, the Parish of St Helier will host a two-day music festival that will showcase local talent.

·       The Liberation Games – Jersey Sport will coordinate the Liberation Games, aimed at building a community spirit around Liberation 80. The games will consist of a variety of sports and activities that will bring together parishes to compete in a series of friendly and accessible games.

·       Jersey Week 5 – 9 - a Jersey-wide ‘open house’, encouraging organisations and businesses across the island to open their respective archives to show how both public and private organisations contribute to the Island, providing insight into the history, operation and position of each organisation in Jersey

·       Parish parties and activities - each has declared that they will be holding different parties and events during the Liberation weekend.  Understandably, Connétables will want to conduct their own events to ensure parishioners can also celebrate together away from the larger ‘national’ activities. 

·       Jersey diaspora. - For Jersey people in other countries wishing to take part in the Liberation celebrations, there will be a limited number of celebration packs made available to enable the decoration and theming of parties to be held in other jurisdictions with Jersey and Union flag bunting etc. 

A number of projects being overseen by Jersey Heritage, Arts House Jersey will further complement the programme of civic events.

The Bailiff, Sir Timothy Le Cocq, said, “Bailiff’s Consultative panel met in the latter months of 2024 to discuss a number of project and ideas for Liberation 80. In addition, we received constructive public feedback that has helped shape thoughts and views about Liberation 80.  I am grateful for the work of the panel and commitment to establishing such an interesting programme for 2025.  It is one, I hope, will ensure that all Islanders will have an opportunity to remember, learn about and celebrate Liberation Day, and to think about and be proud of Jersey and its identity.  


This anniversary year will be an important time, not only for those who had first-hand experience of the Second World War, but also for our younger generations who learn about this part of our island story. It is important that we remember and maintain the values of freedom, peace, inclusivity, and community in Jersey - that we learn the lessons of The Occupation.”